Who We Are.

We started Spandana in the year 2002 with only 3 kids in a rented house. We are a Non-Profitable organization dedicated ourselves from past 19 years into the betterment of mentally retarded kids and adults. Our mission is to put a smile on mentally retarded people.
The government agencies and non-government organizations take care of mentally challenged children providing them medical care, and teaching them skills. Once the children reach adulthood the institutional care ceases and they are sent to home. Only the rich can afford to put such mentally challenged adults in expensive private institution and home. But the lot of the poor and the underprivileged is really piteous. They can’t afford medical treatment and professional care for their mentally challenged wards. Often they are locked up in a room, or chained to wall or tree or sometimes let out to wander about like vagabonds or mendicants or mad dogs.
In view of all these harsh realities ” Chaithanya Charitable trust (R) was founded, and under the auspices of the Trust. “Spandana” came into existence with an intention of providing shelter, food, home care and medical treatment for such mentally challenged adults. They are even taught basic life skills and some vocational skills “Spandana” caters to the severely mentally challenged irrespective of castes, communities and religions.
At present “Spandana” faces with an acute problem of maintaining them. Lack of funds, inadequate infrastructure and staff haunt us. No government or private agencies came to our help.
Therefore, “Chaithanya Charitable Trust” earnestly appeal to philanthropic and kind hearted to contribute generously for this noble cause.